Monday, December 19, 2005


Freeze me in a block of tears
I must not act; I must not speak
Thaw me when the summer nears
Ask me, then, for what I seek.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

1 Across: Stick

I unburden myself,
Today, of all the
'baggage' that i
Struggled so to pack.

Once again
Vowing 'never again!'
Even as i
Realize: i'm lying

Rule I: I Rule

Those who wish to join my team
To brainstorm, prattle, parse or scheme
Have only to request a pass--
Thereafter: Spew, rhyme, reason, sass.

However, should what you compose
Resemble, e'en in passing, prose--
Then out you go! You sure as heck
Ain't O. Scott Card or M. Scott Peck!